Effectively Managing Supply Chains Through Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence can convert complex supply chain data into clear, strategic decisions, helping businesses improve forecasting, optimise costs, and mitigate risks. Learn how leading companies leverage BI to enhance efficiency and resilience in their supply chain operations.
To play this game, select one option from the drop-down list, and a random set of numbers will be generated, as well as a target number. Your goal is to generate an equation using all six numbers, resulting in the target figure.
For example Given Numbers: 2, 75, 4, 6, 100, 50 Target: 989
One possible solution: 50 + (((75 × (100 ÷ 2)) + 6) ÷ 4)
You can check your answer by selecting Show Solutions to reveal all possible solutions. Further game rules below.
We recommend playing the Countdown Numbers Game on a desktop device for a better gaming experience.
Game Rules
You can use addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×) and/or division (÷) for any part of the calculation.
You can only use each number once
All divisions must result in whole numbers (no fractions or decimals)
You cannot use negative numbers in your calculations
You can use numbers in any order
You must use all six numbers
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